
Wayist Philosophy for Juniors

Who are you really, the true you?

Some people think they are a human animals, and that is all. When people think like that, they say that when the body dies, they also die.

Wayist believe that people don't die, its just their bodies that die. The person lives on after the body died.

Some people think that their thoughts are who they are. The problem with this is that thoughts come from a human body's brain. It can happen that a body's brain get damaged, or get sick, and then it doesn't work very well. The brain is just a machine like a heart, or lungs, it works for the body. Most animals have brains and thoughts.

Wayists believe that people are more than just thoughts. We also believe that thoughts and brain power are not as important as some people think. Even if a body has a problem with its brain, inside that body is still a real person and there is nothing wrong with the real person. Even if a brain never learned to speak, and has never heard of television or a telephone because it was never taught; it does not make the real person any less of a person because inside that body is a real person worthy of the same respect as any other.

Wayist know that a person is a soul. You are a soul. Souls have bodies made not of flesh and bone and blood but of energy which is a little bit like light energy or fine electric energy. If a soul wants to live on Earth it needs to get a body and it needs to be born here as a baby. Like a spaceman wears a specially made suit to live in space, so does a soul need a specially made human body to live on earth.

Souls only visit Earth for a few years at a time and when they do, they need to be inside a human animal body like the one you have now. 

Soul beings are very old. They have lived for hundreds and thousands of years and they are very wise. Yes, your soul has been to earth before and you are many hundreds of years old, perhaps even thousands of years-old.

Soul beings live in soul-heaven when they are not in a body on earth. Sometimes souls need to come and live on Earth but they cannot live here without bodies. People who live on Earth must have human bodies. When a soul comes to live here on Earth among us, it has to be born as a baby and grow up here in a family.

Human bodies don't last very long. They are also not as strong as souls. Souls last very very long and can live for many thousands of years. Human bodies can get sick, or even have accidents that damage them. Even if a body is very healthy it still gets older every day. All human bodies will die one day and when that happens the soul goes back to soul heaven.

In soul heaven there are many people that you have known for ages and ages. Every now and again when a soul needs to come and live on Earth for a while it has to live in a new body again. We call that reincarnation. Incarnation means to "be inside a body of flesh". Therefore, re-incarnation means that the soul incarnates again, and again. Souls like to incarnate because every time they do it the world is different again and they learn all kinds of new things.

Learning is very important to souls. Souls must learn all that they can about life on Earth in all different places, cultures and in many different families.

There you have it, you are a soul. People are souls and the bodies that they have now are just loaned to them for a short while. After you have used your body to learn a lot of wonderful new things here on Earth, your soul will give the old body back to Earth and go on to live in heaven again for a while.

Do you know someone who recently went back to heaven? Well, you probably miss that person but you can bet on aunt Milly's dentures that you will see those people again, in heaven.

Where do you come from?

You are a soul being, who now lives on earth in a human body. Earth and the human life is school for souls. So, if you are human and you are here on earth ~ then you are at school. This is the school of life.

When a soul's human body dies, the soul cannot attend school anymore. A soul without a working human body is automatically transported back to soul heaven for a while. After a while in soul heaven, you will come back to school again. That means, soul heaven is like school break ~ you are on holiday for a while.

Where is soul heaven? Soul heaven is just here. It is not a place as much as it is a state of being. Soul heaven is the only true virtual world we know of. Like the virtual worlds of video games, that we know are not real ~ soul heaven is such a place but it is real. Souls rest there to get ready for the next semester at school on earth.

That is where you come from, you come from heaven, you come back to school when the holidays are over.

Why are you here on Earth?

Soul beings come to live on earth in human bodies every now and again to learn. The purpose of life for a soul is to learn wisdom. It takes many lifetimes to learn complete wisdom and the path of Wayism helps people to learn better.

You are a soul being, and you are here for a purpose. That purpose is to learn as much as you can from all different parts of life.

You came to earth, this time, to be a child in your human family's life. Your parents and family were picked for you in a very, very special way. They were picked for you because they are probably the only people on earth at this time who can help you learn what you need to learn at during this lifetime.

Your family, and your community is the place where you will start to learn your soul lessons. From here, where you are now, you will grow in wisdom and you will go out into the world to learn more and more beautiful things about life.

You are here to experience as much about life as you can. Any soul that just sits around at home, or spends all their time playing games on devices, is wasting precious time in the school of life. Soon, you will experience some very happy lessons, and even some lessons that make your body-mind unhappy. However, all lessons are good for the soul and body-mind is just a temporary thing. In fact, a bog part of what you need to learn to do in this school of life is to have control over your body-mind.

Souls must learn those things to get the wisdom needed to become spiritual beings. When a soul has learned enough wisdom, then it starts to change into a spiritual being and eventually it will be reborn into spirit-heaven to live there forever. Spiritual beings do not have to live as human beings any more. Human life is only for soul beings.

The purpose of your life is to learn wisdom and one day become a spiritual being.

We are here to learn about the physical universe and the emotions that animal beings like human experience. We get special tools to make all of that possible. We get amazingly fine-tuned (but easily broken) human bodies. They dont last very long but like most fine tools if you take care of them they will serve you well.

Human bodies are sensory input devices for soul-minds. Through the sensors of the human body, souls learn to sense things. Soon, the soul learns to sense those things without the use of human body's tools.

Think of the human body as a very delicate, easily broken space suit used by visitors from outer space to live here on planet earth. That is who you are, you are an alien so-t-speak and you need the body spacesuit to live here. The suit comes with tools by which you can probe, sense, see, smell, reason, dig, build, and do many other things. Human bodies have body-mind, which is a rational computer-like organ. Bodies give us the ability to sense so many other aspects of creation that it makes a lifetime seem short.

We have to live full lives, experience wide and fully everything possible. We have to smell the roses, spend time with other creatures and care for the ones who are suffering, we have to experience other cultures and their food and rationalize their customs.

And, to make all of that possible, we simply have to own our minds. There are many multi-billion dollar industries out there who became as rich as they are because they specialize in owning people's minds. They get hold of your mind through the media and lock you in - then they tell you what to think by feeding you selected bits of information. In the end they get exactly what they want — they get your vote and you spend your dollars the way they tell you. People who don't own their minds get their news and history lessons from CNN and other media. They buy labels because they feel more worthy when they own those products, they follow fashion trends and end up totally wasting a precious lifetime. Those people work to pay taxes and consume things, they get sick from the poisonous foods they eat and they dont take care of their bodies (but spend a fortune on their smile) and they dont go anywhere. They easily spend $100 on a pair of plastic shoes manufactured in Mayanmar for $8, but they cannot justify spending $10 on spirituality. They dont own their own minds as they had become programmed by commercial dictators. Wayist must program their own minds to have full and authentic lives.

  • Live a full life
  • Mindfulness
  • Awareness of the Divine in all things


Why don't we remember our previous lives - or do we?

Body-minds have no memory of past lives because they did not have past lives.

Soul-mind, on the other hand, had many past lives and can remember a lot about that.

However, life on earth for the soul is a school in wisdom. Soul-minds remember the wisdom that they gathered. But, wisdom is a little bit like play dough. If you add a piece of yellow dough (the memories of one life) to the clump of dough and mix it in, later it becomes impossible to know where that particular piece of yellow dough went, or where that wisdom came from. Or, maybe wisdom is like water. Each life adds more wisdom to your bucket of soul wisdom and it is later difficult to know where each glass of water came from.

Then of course, there is the bothersome thing about memories. Most of the memories one could ever have are absolutely of no value. Nothing good can come from remembering your phone number or house address when you lived in London, UK, last time around, in 1843. Even to remember that Mr. Jacob Schafenfogelfruend still owes you 45 cents for that job you did for him when you stepped into his water well and drowned in 1731, I mean that wont do any good to your soul growth at all. For the same reason, in today's life it add nothing to your knowledge and understanding of 4th year Physiology at university to remember the name of the kid who sat next to you in grade school, or even the address of the school. We come here to learn wisdom, not to reminisce about the location of the previous classroom.

But, soul-mind is about love as well. Soul-mind remembers people whom we loved and sometimes even recalls specially happy moments from a past life.

Do we have family in heaven?

Life on earth is school for soul beings.

Because most people learn at the same speed, it often happens that children from the same class see one another again after school break and after the holidays. In the same way, souls also move in groups from one class to another. Therefore, many of your family and friends are in the same class that you are in, you incarnated to the same place at the same time and that means you have to learn similar lessons. Chances are good that you have been together before, and will be together again.

It is not uncommon to hear Wayists say to one another, "If I dont see you around, I'll see you in heaven." They are of course talking about soul-heaven. They are talking about the fact that most of us here, today, will lay down our bodies and go to soul-heaven approximately at the same time—within 30 or 60 years. That means chances are good that we will see one another in soul-heaven and if not, then we might see one another again in the next life.

Learn about God

A genius invents a special aquarium. It has self controlled temperatures, and charges its own batteries, it can run for hundreds of billions of years without interference because it takes care of its own maintenance. It is more sophisticated than anyone has ever even dreamed of. Then his wife comes to look. She says, "You should put living things in there, that would be nice." The genius man says, "Naw. Im done with that project. I'm moving on to something else. You're a genius, why dont you make some things to live in there?"

The genius wife sets out to make some living beings to live in the aquarium. She likes the hobby and end up making two billion billion different species of living beings before she gets busy with dinner. She put 15 tonnes of sand into the aquarium. One one of the grains of sand, some of the microscopically small beings cling and they start a colony there. All the while those microscopic beings look out from their piece of sand at the other pieces they can see, and they wonder, "are we alone in here?" However, they cannot really know because their sensors can only see a small handful of sand around them, they have no idea how the aquarium actually works, in fact, they dont even know they are in an aquarium.

Can those beings, like germs, that live on the piece of sand that seems so big to them they think of it as a world—can they know the maker? Can they name him and her, and know what they think and how they think? I mean, they have not even discovered what lies being their clump of sand, how ca they know the person behind the creation. That being, that creator is so far removed from the germs growing on the sand as God the Almighty is to us on earth.

Wayists know that the Almighty is unknowable. We cannot speak of the Almighty, the Source of all. Therefore, we dont. We call the Almighty by names like the Immutable One, just to say that we cannot know It and we cannot speak of It.

What is a God?

In the English language (and most other languages) a god is a superhuman being with powers that we humans consider special. Some religions speak of many, many such gods.

Wayists believe in superhuman beings. We believe in spiritual beings who are not human or soul beings as we are.

Not many spiritual beings, or superhuman beings, are more worthy of our respect than another creature in creation. They are creatures too. Just different.

Waysits do single out two very special spiritual beings for a special place in our hearts. We respect and love those beings not because of any power they hold over us, not because of fear, but because of their love for us and what they do to help us. We love, respect and worship Lord Avalokitesvara (who used to be Jesus, or Iesous) as the Great Savior of humankind. The Lord taught us to look to the leader of spirit-heaven whom He calls Father, as our Father. He taught that since we are all going there, to spirit-heaven one day, we should pray, "Our Father, who are in heaven. Holy is your name…"

Therefore, Wayists have two gods, The Father of our future home in spirit-heaven, and the Lord working down here on our behalf.

Jesus Story

The original Greek language name Iesous is pronounced as Jesus in the Spanish and English languages. 

For Wayists, Iesous is a very special spiritual being. He came from Heaven to live here on earth among us for about 35 years, to teach us about the Way. Before he went back to Heaven, he promised the Wayists that he would return during their generation, that is within about 35 years. The Wayists asked if there were any signs that they should look for, to know exactly when it he would come back. Iesous said, when Jerusalem is destroyed in war and the temple of Jerusalem is burned to the ground and the Jewish people all run away from Israel — that is when he will appear again. Then the Wayists asked him, "Lord, and where will you appear, we want to know because we want to be there." Iesous said, "I will come to you like lightening from the sky. My appearance will be know all over the world, starting in the east, then in the west." The Wayists knew that Iesous talked about Kashmir, in India, when he said he will appear first in the East because the Lord spent a lot of time in India. Also, the Lord had sent his devotee Thomas to go and work in Kashmir for King Gondophares. In the year 78AD, Iesous came back from Heaven but he did not come alone, and he did not come as Iesous—he came as a most powerful spiritual being and he brought with him millions of angels to help us. 

Even in Heaven, Iesous is highly regarded. The Father of Heaven gave Iesous the special title of Avalokitesvara (pronounced as: ava-lokite-swara). That title means, "The Lord who hears the prayers, and sees the suffering of all living beings". Heaven is full of beings who have deep compassion and love for all beings created by the Almighty One. However, Iesous became known in Heaven as the one with the most compassion. Even the Father of Heaven, the leader of Heaven, said that Iesous is the most compassionate being in Heaven.

After the time that Iesous worked on earth, he went back to Heaven and asked the Father if he could come back to be with humans until all of them are reborn in Heaven as spiritual beings. The Father said to Iesous that is a huge task, it will take many thousands of years. Iesous said he doesnt care about his own life, he cares only to help us to learn to become reborn so that we too become spiritual beings like everyone else in Heaven. The Father of Heaven saw the great compassion in Iesous, and he decided to give him very special spiritual powers to do the work that he wants to do. The Father gave Iesous powers to hear millions of prayers at a time, and to see the hearts of millions of beings on earth at the same time, and the Father gave Iesous the powers to do millions of things for millions of people all over the world, at the same time. And there's more. Iesous received powers to appear to anyone, at any time, in the form that that person can best understand. He appears to some as a Christian god, to others as a Hindu god, to others as an angel and even as a beggar, an animal, or an insect - whatever it takes to speak to your heart, that form is what the Lord will take to come to help you.  

Then, the Father of Heaven gave Iesous the glorious title of Avalokitesvara, and millions of angels and the Lord came back to earth to be around us for as long as it takes all soul beings to become reborn as spiritual beings in Heaven. And that event happened in 78AD, where Wayists first saw the Lord appearing in Kashmir. Ever since that day, millions of people each year become believers in the Way of the Lord. The Lord appears in Buddhism, Daoism and many other religions as well - even many Christians believe that he is the Christ that already came. In China, most people know Him as a female (GuanYin) but all over the world he is worshipped. Today, there are almost two billion people who know the Lord.

The video below is a 25 minute story, told by a fictional "angel". It is a short version of the story how Iesous came to earth, and how he became our Lord Avalokitesvara.


The Laws of the Way

Laws like laws of nature - gravity

Karma - the law regulates the curriculum of this school we call life on Earth

Dharma - the law that says wisdom goes hand in hand with duty. Once you know right from wrong, then you have to do right, else karma will make sure you learn those lessons again—and that is not always a nice thing.

How to live like a Wayist?

Be inquisitive

Be energetic

Go out there and have a full life

Explore society and life in all its different ways

Become aware of how other people and animals live elsewhere in the world

Guard against culturally conditioned thinking, own your own mind. Don't let friends, TV, Internet and other things take control of your mind. You are not their slave unless you allow it. Be your real self and seek growth experiences wherever you go.

Become aware of the Divine Presence in all things

Say Namaste in your heart to squirrels, ants, loved ones, poor people, rich people, flowers and plants, water and wind—the Divine Way is in all things.

Be a good neighbor to all living beings

Know that the Lord is always close to you. Learn to meditate and pray. Have a little home shrine in your room, or a small reminder of your spirituality somewhere. Learn to say the beautiful mantras "Om Mani Padme Hum" and the mantras of the two Taras.

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