
Wayism Logos

Wayist symbol

Wayism Logo omega teal
This Wayist symbol is most often used as a sort of logo for Wayism.

In the western world, the diminutive omega in ancient Greek script is the oldest of Wayist logos. It is known to stand for theWAY, which is a product of the so-called Logos or "Word of God" which is an expression used to speak to the awareness that an energy with a certain resonance, proceeds from the Source, and it is that Energy which creates and upholds all in the universes. The concept of theWAY is expressed in the Chinese philosophical usage of the character 道, Dao.

In the eastern world, there are several other symbols that speak to the same concept of theWAY.

The Wayist symbol based on the ancient Greek omega have had several different symbolic meaning assigned to it over the years as Wayism sojourned through history. Some are discussed below.

Trinitarian Nature of theWAY

The Way, as experienced and observed by humans, is a triune concept of (the lower part (W)) the world to which we incarnate, the center part which symbolises the individual soul, and the top mpart which symbolises heaven.

The material world to which we incarnate is initially experienced by the soul as a duality experience, that of mind and body. Initially, we think of the mind as one reality that coexists with the physical reality, and that is all. Later, as our Consciousness increases we become cognitively aware of the soul. The soul is then Aware, but is limited (perhaps by maya), to faint conceptions of heaven or that other realm to which we know we are headed.

Trinitarian nature of the Universe

The below part symbolises the Feminine aspect of Mother of the universe (breasts, womb, embrace). The accent symbolises the Male symbol of Father of the universe (sperm, accent, climax), and the vibration, the universal energy of Prana, the word or logos that emenates from the Source is symbolised by the upper wave. This latter part makes string theorists happier people. 


Modern Logo of theWAY


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